Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Latest project

What happens when you have a lot of half skeins and a lot of ribbon yarns in a certain color???
You mix it and match it and knit til you cant knit anymore.

And you end up with:
It's a work in progress...and I'm bored with it already, but it really is going to be a pretty shawl.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Diane Lockharts sweater

I saw this sweater on The Good Wife and I must have it.  How does one find out where TV shows get their clothing?

blog repost

Years ago I had an office in a quaint little area and one of my business neighbors was Mercedes.  She owned an amazing yarn store.  I was heartbroken when it closed.  In fact, most of my yarn I own I got from her closing sale.

Recently our paths crossed and now I follow her on twitter and her amazing blog.  She posted this link from a blogger friend of hers and it sums up perfectly the importance of knitting.